There is NOTHING to do in Sutton Bridge!
7 Jan 2022
“There is nothing to do in Sutton Bridge!”, “I am lonely and there’s nowhere I can go to meet people”, “I’m BORED” (and so on and so on) are familiar cries in our Village….
Have you ever thought about exploring your Artistic leanings? How about trying your hand at Bowls? Would you like to join the Women’s Institute or are you a Carer and would like to meet others in your position? Could you volunteer for a Food Bank and help support families and individuals in times of crisis in the local area? Maybe join a Social Club that offers low priced drinks, great low-price food and free entertainment and has facilities for socialising, snooker, darts and a quiz? Try your hand (and other bits!) at Line Dancing, Kickboxing or even Yoga? Or are you a Harry Kane or Tiger Woods wannabe, keen to kick a bit of leather around or “… ruin a good walk by hitting a little ball”? Do you have Green Fingers and want to make our village into a riot of summer colour, or take your first step towards the Red Carpet and join a friendly AmDram Group? And if you’re over 55, why not Develop Your Interests or discover new ones or just make new friends and simply have fun? As a car driver with time to spare, why not really help those in need by helping out the local Car Service to get people to hospitals and doctor’s appointments and the like?
ALL THIS IS ON YOUR DOORSTEP! Just look under “About Sutton Bridge” on this site!