Local Opinions
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Parish Council Attendance
Why would you bother to stand as a local councillor and then not turn up for 6 months. You have to ask yourself as a resident of Sutton Bridge does this councillor have something against Sutton Bridge. The other point of the old guard not welcoming new councillor’s this happens time and time again across the country, new isn’t always bad, but new isn’t always right.
Children Sort yourselves out.
I believe the next few years could be so important for small towns and villages across the UK, don’t allow Sutton Bridge to be left behind.
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9 Apr 2022
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Could I ask the council, why have there been no improvements to the children’s play area, I have got to say it is disgusting that I have to take my grandchildren to Holbeach, Terrington, and even Wisbech we have nothing for the children in Sutton Bridge to meet up and play outside, I’m lucky to have a car but many parents in Sutton Bridge do not.
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23 Feb 2022
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May I share a thought or two about our village?
There are a number of people who say that the village is divided, a minority definitely but the taste is there.
This small story shows that there are people who are really bringing the village together.
At the start of “Covid 19”, when real information about the virus was scarce, many of us were told to stay indoors, to self isolate, and being over 80 I was one of that group. I needed medicine and rang the Pharmacy to ask how to get it? – “Ring the volunteers” was the immediate answer!
I learned about Claire Ingham, Sam Maltby and Roland Ormesher. They had created a small but very effective medicine delivery service.
I have no idea of the actual working details but from the recipients view point it was easy. Quick call to the Pharmacy, medicine collected by one of the Volunteers and delivered to one’s home.
One of my deliveries came via Fred, Sam’s then 5 year old daughter.
The group also organized a visiting system so that the vulnerable and lonely people in our village were not forgotten, but looked after.
This is not so much a story about Claire, Sam, Fred or Roland, although they are to be praised for caring about others less fortunate, but s a story about our village and how a small group of people helped the rest of us. That, to me, is what we should all be trying to focus on and make our community all the stronger.
Thank You.
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16 Feb 2022
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Sutton Bridge Parish Council - Article
The anonymous writer [of a recent Opinion - below] is part of the problem either put up your name or shut up!
The personal vendettas against Cllr Simon Booth, Cllr Michael Booth, Cllr Scarlett need to stop and those responsible for creating this agenda need to butt out. These individuals concerned have had their opportunity while being Parish Councillors and Chair to address their issues.
Councillors on the Parish Council who are using Facebook groups under the guise of its “their personal opinion” is creating a platform and whipping up hate towards other councillors solely to vilify other long serving Councillors “you are on notice to stop this behaviour”. Your personal vendettas orchestrated by others have no place on the Parish Council.
Lobbying, speaking with councillors is not illegal but when it is veiled in bullying it needs to stop & those Councillors are on notice to stop their shameful behaviour.
Helicoptering, co-opting in new parish councillors in as puppets to do your unfinished work for you is not acceptable.
Parish Councillors & the Chair have a duty of care for the mental, emotional, physical wellbeing for its excellent employees the Parish clerk Robert Smith and the Admin clerk Karen Croxford not to cause any undue stress that impacts on them both.
By not working together for the good of the Parish, not getting anything done because of your politicking, bullying & internal wrangling this will cause anguish to them both and is not acceptable.
If you do not want to serve the Parishioners, then resign from the Parish Council.
I consent to my name being publicly declared.
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5 Feb 2022
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Did you know Lincolnshire County Council maintains 5500 miles of road? The Government have now cut the maintenance grant for this purpose by £12 MILLION - that's 25% and we currently have 660 miles of roads rated "Poor" or "Very Poor" that need fixing.
Lincolnshire CC have filled the funding gap for now but can't do this forever and to give you some idea of the impact this cut has on the County, £12 MILLION gets you and your roads 24000 potholes filled, 37 miles of crumbling road fully rebuilt and 6 miles of failing footpath repaired.
We need YOU to join our fight to have the Government reinstate the money cut from our road maintenance grant in 2021/22..
Go to:- www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/highwaysfunding and/or write to your local MP at www.writetothem.com
Thank you.
26 Jan 2022
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MORE Houses to be built in Sutton Bridge!
A further planning application has been submitted for 129 properties, including 32 'affordable units', on the land behind the Nightingales Estate, and extending behind Granville Terrace, Withington Street and Chestnut Terrace almost up to Allenby's Chase.
The planning application number is H18-0005-22 and details can be seen [with great difficulty] on the District Council website - www.sholland.gov.uk and go direct to the planning portal.
Apart from increasing the number of properties from the original 62, they now want to build 129! One change to the original application is for a second access road into the new development through Withington Street.
I expect the residents of Withington Street will be raising objections, exactly as the residents of Nightingale Way did originally; so it would be helpful if we all object to the whole project in view of the huge 'overdevelopment' of the site and lack of other services in the village - particularly doctors and school places.
Please raise objections by letter, e-mail to SHDC Planning or add an objection on-line via the planning portal. Important - objections must be received by SHDC by 8th Feb 2022. Very short notice, but I wonder if that is deliberate???
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20 Jan 2022
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Sutton Bridge Parish Council
What has been happening in the Parish Council over the last year or so? Ignoring the effects of Covid-19, political infighting, persistent non-attendance by a Cllr, does not appear to have changed, despite two new elections in which three new Cllr’s were elected. The latter point should have led to an active Parish Council. Instead, things appear to still be stuck in ‘trench warfare’! Is the Cllr who has not attended a full Council meeting for six months in breach of the Council’s policies and should be removed? It would provide for another ‘active’ Cllr to be elected/co-opted. Why is there such a massive divide between the ‘old guard’ and the newly elected Cllr’s? Is the Chairman up to the job? Are the District Cllr’s on the Parish Council working against progress?
These questions need resolving for the benefit of the village to prevent the Parish Council from becoming nothing more than a ‘talking shop’. The whole membership of the Council should be working together to improve things in the village. It’s time to stop that political in-fighting and get on with the job, by Cllr’s who chose to stand for election, presumably to improve things in the village.
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15 Jan 2022
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